כח ניסן
“Chas veshalom there are some yidden that it’s comprehensible to them that moshiach won’t come tonight, tomorrow, the next day, etc.”1) Where is the source for this in Torah?
Achakeh lo bichol yom sheyavo – 13 ikkarim –
A person who believes in Moshiach but doesn’t wait for him, is kofer the torah. At least it should be in our mind that we’re expecting him.
1. How could you say he’s a kofer – he believes?
2. How could the Rambam say this is one of the foundations of yiddishkeit?
2) Story:
R’ Yehoshuah ben leivei had a lot of connections with eliyahu hanavi. One day met eliyahu hanavi by the cave of r’shimon bar yochai. R’ yehoshua said I heard 3 sounds but I saw 2 people. (the 3rd was Hashem).
Asked eliyahu ‘when will moshiach come?’ he said ‘why don’t you go ask moshiach.’
‘who is moshiach’
‘(in that generation) he sits by the sick people in rome – the point is Moshiach is found wherever the yidden are exiled)
asked him eimosai kosi mar
said today – so he got all excited
next time he sees eliyahu hanavi he says ‘he told me a lie!’
he explained ‘hayom im bkolo tishmau – today if you will listen to Hashem’
moshiach wanted to teach r’ yehoshua a lesson that the answer has to be ‘hayom’
3) Explanation of the meforshim on Rambam - MISSING THIS PART
4)Why is this the basis of the torah?
Because when moshiach comes we can do all the mitzvos – so someone that’s not waiting for this time is a kofer – shows his attitude towards mitzvos
Shema yisroel Hashem elokeinu – for now Hashem is only our G-d, Hashem echod – but when Moshiach comes Hashem will be echod
Shema yisroel Hashem elokeinu – for now Hashem is only our G-d, Hashem echod – but when Moshiach comes Hashem will be echod
according to Rashi you have to have in mind Moshiach
Question of the Rebbe Maharash & explanation of lechatchila ariber: MISSING THIS PART
Tut Altz Vos Ir Kent
Q: What specifically will bring Moshiach closer?
Why learning?
1) Hashem created a world through torah - Torah is the blueprint. So when we learn Torah, we bring Torah down. Same with learning about Geula- when we learn about geula we bring geula down.
2) Through learning yinyonei geula it becomes clear the signs of Moshiach coming and WE come to believe it.
Q: It says Moshiach will come unexpectedly. So how can we learn about Moshiach - then we'll be expecting him?!
A: 2 amorim were calculating when Moshiach would come. Another amorah told them that by calculating they're prolonging Moshiach. When someone tries to calculate & figure it out with his knowledge, then this can stop Moshiach C"V. But we know that it's beyond our knowledge to decide when Moshiach's coming, so then learning about moshiach BRINGS moshiach.
Proof: Most of our davening is talking about Moshiach - so you can't say we're not supposed to think about moshiach and then it will be unexpected.
2nd Major thing to bring Moshiach: TZEDAKA
1) In Tanya it says gemara says whenever the word 'mitzvah' is used, it refers to tzedaka. Why? When someone works he puts his whole life into making money. When he gives tzedakah all that energy is converted to kedusha. Since the point of Moshiach is to elevate all gashmius, if we have the intention of Moshiach while giving tzedaka it will bring Moshiach.
גדולה צדקה שמקרבת את הגאולה2
"Moshiach won't come until all the neshamos have been born"
A way to bring Moshiach is to have kids. Having kids has a special bracha to bring Moshiach quicker, because Moshiach will come when all the neshamas from the treasure up in Shamayim (gof) come to this world.
Q: The Rebbe said our work is done - so what's the point of having more kids now?
When Moshiach comes 2 things will be different about giving birth.
1) The won't be pain because cheit eitz hadaas will go away
2) Instead of 9 months, pregnancy will be 9 hours.
Q: Where will neshamos come from when Moshiach comes if we have to finish up the treasure for Moshiach to come?
A: There are more neshamas that aren't from that box - the Moshiach neshamos. They were set aside when the world was created. So every neshama we bring down brings much more world to the light to get ready for Moshiach. The neshamos that we bring down now are Moshiach Neshamos.
MIVTZOIM - did we ever learn this?
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