Rashi: They will be converted – regular yidden – source
“In moshiach’s times I will call the goyim and they will all speak about Hashem echod”
Q: Gemara says we don’t accept geirim at 2 times 1. In the time of shlomo hamelech 2. In the times of moshiach – when it’s good for the yidden – want him to be sincere.
A: We won’t accept converts at first. Because first everything will look good physically, but eventually enough of the light of Hashem will be revealed and they will see the beauty in yiddishkeit then we’ll let them convert because it’s for the right reason.
2nd opinion: Rambam
The goyim are going to stay goyim, just they will start keeping sheva mitzvos bnei noach. Yiddin always have a responsibility to make sure the goyim are keeping sheva mitzvos bnei noach- but once we have the power to do it, then we have to enforce it.
Source: Shimon & Levi killed the whole city of shchem when the took dina – one of the sheva mitzvos is giluy arayos – besides for which they have to make judges & make a system to make sure its enforced in their community
The world was created for yidden to do mitzvos
Why were goyim created?
1. make it not boring, add company
2. make bechira for yidden-a challenge to keep mitzvos
Alter Rebbe: The goyim will do some mitzvos besides sheva mitzvos
We know that goyim will be slaves – eved cnani – responsible for more mitzvos – has to go through a certain conversion process beforehand
Every yid will have 2800 slaves – each corner of tzitzis will have 10 from each of the 70 nations. 7x4x10 – whoever is zoche to keep the mitzvos of slaves
Husbands zechuyos go to the wife and vice versa- even before marriage they affect each other
You see from all 3 opinions that goyim will exist when Moshiach comes.
Levyoson – created zochor & nekaiva but Hashem saw that if they would have children the world wouldn’t be able to exist because too powerful – killed the nekaiva and salted the meat for the seuda of moshiach – the zochos still exists and chazal say every time you have an earthquake in the water it’s because the levyoson is moving- why don’t we see it now? It’s a physical animal but now it’s not necessarily in a way we can see it – physical potential – levyoson will shecht the shor habor with it’s sharp fins
Shor habor – a bull – bheima bharrei alaf – his food every day is a thousand mountains – but it’s not really physical now – that’s the amount of energy it gives off
Yayin hameshumar
Introduction according to chassidus
Some meforshim don’t accept that it will be physical – for example maharal
When will this seuda take place? If it’s in gan eiden there’s no idea of eating gashmius, so he explains its ruchnius concepts.
Avodash hakodesh says it’s going to be a physical seudah. He holds that the time of the seudah is in yemos hamoshiach (physical) not in gan eiden.
There are 2 kinds of neshamos of tzaddikim. Some are dealing more with ruchniusdike things (example r’ shimon bar yochai – couldn’t physically do mitzvos)
Alma diskasya – don’t feel the identity only the source- levyoson- the tzaddikim whose avoda
Shechita is an elevation of the animal – before it wasn’t kosher and now it is – shor habor is the idea of dira btachtonim, elevating
They’ll kill each other – so we’ll have both aspects in our life
Rambam: bais hamikdosh then kibbutz galiyus, also zohar
Medrash: kibbutz galiyus then bais hamikdosh
The second one is always higher, gets high from the first one
No one disagrees with rambam in halacha
So halachically there is no way for kibbutz galiyus before
So what’s the difference between us and Zionism?
MOSHIACH is here…but this is not the beginning of geulah
“Chas veshalom there are some yidden that it’s comprehensible to them that moshiach won’t come tonight, tomorrow, the next day, etc.”
Where is the source for this in Torah?
Achakeh lo bichol yom sheyavo – 13 ikkarim –
A person who believes in Moshiach but doesn’t wait for him, is kofer the torah. At least it should be in our mind that we’re expecting him.
1. How could you say he’s a kofer – he believes?
2. How could the Rambam say this is one of the foundations of yiddishkeit?
Source of the Rambam:
R’ Yehoshuah ben leivei had a lot of connections with eliyahu hanavi. One day met eliyahu hanavi by the cave of r’shimon bar yochai. R’ yehoshua said I heard 3 sounds but I saw 2 people. (the 3rd was Hashem).
Asked eliyahu ‘when will moshiach come?’ he said ‘why don’t you go ask moshiach.’
‘who is moshiach’
‘(in that generation) he sits by the sick people in rome – the point is Moshiach is found wherever the yidden are exiled)
asked him eimosai kosi mar
said today – so he got all
next time he sees eliyahu hanavi he says ‘he told me a lie!’
he explained ‘hayom im bkolo tishmau – today if you will listen to Hashem’
moshiach wanted to teach r’ yehoshua a lesson that the answer has to be ‘hayom’
why is this the basis of the torah? Because when moshiach comes we can do all the mitzvos – so someone that’s not waiting for this time is a kofer – shows his attitude towards mitzvos
shema yisroel Hashem elokeinu – for now Hashem is only our G-d, Hashem echod – but when Moshiach comes Hashem will be echod
according to Rashi you have to have in mind Moshiach
Moshiach in Jewish History
Story of Yehuda & Tamar:
1. Why is it put here before the story of yosef?
2. Why is it written at all?
General explanation: Hashem puts the cure before the sickness – before they go down to mitzrayim you have the concept of Moshiach coming from Yehuda
A: only need a certain percentage purified to bring moshiach- its not our business- Hashem wants it that way but we finished our avoda
Parshas noach nun beis: we have to do teshuva as a preparation for moshiach- Rebbe paused- don’t we always say everyones ready? Moshiach’s about to come- am yisroel in general is ready – nothing could stop Moshiach from coming- individually people need to do teshuva but not anything that would stop Moshiach from coming
Q: Why is there so much more bad?
A: bad is mixed with good- as they start to separate, good becomes extremely good & bad becomes extremely bad
Once the klipa has no kedusha then it can disappear
Q: Why don’t we see it? That we finished purifying?
A: once Hashem shows us how much we’ve accomplished, we won’t have any bechira
new avoda- bring the hisgalus to the world
moshiach is here – we have to accept it
1. learning
2. ad mosai, begging for it
3. every act should be done with focus of moshiach
mashal of hospital
Yaakov avinu: only he was ready, now the Rebbe says the whole world is ready
The first case of finishing avodas habirurim was the case of yaakov – yaakov worked & learned torah – he thought that he had already purified the whole world – that’s why he sent messengers to eisav lets be friends- thought esav didn’t have evil anymore. Eisav sent a message back that he’s ready to kill him anyway – the point of the problem is that the world was not ready.
The outcome: Yaakov personally had finished elevating, but the world wasn’t finished being purified.
In our days the Rebbe said we finished avodas habirurim.
Story: Rebbitzen Chaya Mushka said to someone that there was a tzaddik that heard shofar outside so he opened the window to smell – said Moshiach’s not here. Inside he was living Moshiach, but had to check if the world was ready.
How do you know if the world is ready? The shluchim went out and purified the whole world. It’s not just a wish that he world is purified, it’s a fact.
So why don’t we see it? If we would see that the world is ready, we wouldn’t have free choice – we have the challenge that we don’t see what we’re accomplishing. Like the poretz that made the guy cut the wheat and he couldn’t see what he was doing so so much harder.
Nun beis the rebbe said that kibbutz galiyus in a certain aspect happened – a tasta of kibbutz galiyos. Some came from Russia, now there’s no place in the world that it’s not possible to go to eretz yisroel.
Prob with Zionism:
1- not connected with Hashem & yiddishkeit
2- frum Zionism – the Israeli gov. is not Moshiach – kibbutz galiyos has to come through Moshiach – moshiach then kibbutz galiyos
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