Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tanya Review

I made this review/test for a girl I taught everything we learned in Tanya to. So if you want to use it to help you study, feel free. (she doesn't know Hebrew so it's all in English). 


Perakim 14-17 & 26-30




1. Why does a neshama have to promise be a tzaddik and don’t be a rasha?

2. How many levels of a Beinoni are there and what are they?

3. What is the simple meaning of “Hashem joins a good thought to the deed” and what does the Alter Rebbe explain that it means?

4. Why would mitzvos done without tevuna (intellectual love) even ascend to the level of Yetzira? What is making them rise?

5. Give one proof the Alter Rebbe brings why it seems like ‘ki karov elecha hadavar meod…’ is NOT close to us at all.

6. Does a Rasha have control over his heart? Why or why not?


1. Beinoni

2. Tzaddik

3. The Jewish People

4. Tevuna

5. Teshuva

6. Kal Shebikalim

___Hates Evil

___Exiled ‘Hey”

___Maaminim Bnei Maaminim (believers sons of believers)

___Oved (he who serves G-d)

___Ruach Shtus (spirit of folly)

___Motivates Action

Connect to what we learned:

1. Avodas Matana Etein Es Kehunaschem (I shall grant you your priestly service as a gift)

2. Simchu Tzaddikim B’Hashem (Rejoice O’tzaddikim in G-d)

3. 101

4. “La’asoso” (That you may do it)

5. Lo dibra torah b’meisim (Torah does not speak of the dead)

Explain the Mashal:

1. The donkey that has to go farther than what it’s used to

2. The small city

3. Living Widow

4. Hugging the King




1. What profit is there from sadness?

2. What does the Arizal explain that ‘because you didn’t serve Hashem with joy’ mean?

3. Why should a person be happy that sinful thoughts enter his mind (when he’s not davening)?

4. How can we ‘be holy’ (according to what’s explained in chapter 27)?

5. Why should a person be happy if sinful thoughs enter his mind while he’s davening?

6. What does a person (besides tzaddikim) consider his “I”?

7. How can a person crush/humble himself if he’s never done anything wrong?

8. Why did Dovid Hamelech say ‘my sin is always before me?’ if he already did teshuva?

9. How can a person consider himself lower than even a kal shebikalim? (include 2 things he should think about)



1. Children

2. Suffering

3. Beinoni

4. Davening

5. Tzaddik

6. A wooden beam that won’t catch fire--crush it

7. Doing an aveira


___Simcha (joy)

___Timtum Halev

___Lower than a worm

___Higher good

___Physical Troubles


Connect to what we learned:

1. Tikkun Chatzos (the midnight prayer)

2. The sun being removed from its sheath

3. Kol Paal Hashem Lmaneihu, vgam rasha liyom ra’ah (Hashem made everything for His sake; even the wicked for the day of evil)

4. Scholars eat in the 6th hour

5. Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you too become like him.

6. “Rage, and sin not”

7. The meraglim (spies)

8. Rabbi Shimon saying he didn’t write the incorrect bill of divorce

Explain the Mashal:

1. A wrestling match with a sad person

2. A wrestling match with a dirty person

3. Darkness being nullified by light

 4. The king’s son and the zonah (harlot) 

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