Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Navi Review

Here are notes from the in class review Mrs. Lezell did

Lama tishkalu kesef – why are you spending time & money on things that aren’t part of torah – foreign wisdoms.

Shimu – listen – learn divrei torah

Eat – learn torah

And you will have pleasure – the neshama in olam haba


Call to Hashem in a way that is close – with your whole heart

When he is close – in the aseres yemei teshuva – before decree sealed

Do teshuva before you die because you can’t after


A rasha will leave his bad ways – in thought speech & action. Need thoughts also because your thoughts affect your speech and action.


Ki bsimcha tetzeiu – go out from golus.

The mountains & hills will give fruits, and the people will sing and praise Hashem


Pikudei Hashem: know by heart

The laws of Hashem are just and they make the heart happy


Bishnas mos: not the year he died, the year he became metzora – uziyahu – metzora chashuv limeis

Radak: A person can’t se Hashem & live – how could yeshayahu say this? He’s talking about ispaklarya sheino meira – lower level of nevua.


Hashem’s glory is way above the world and so high – but fills the world – running the world – idea of Hashgacha pratis


When someone sends a messenger: 1. Has to be worthy to go (Hashem asks who should we send?) 2. Has to want to go (who will go?) Yeshaya responds that he wants to go, but it’s up to Hashem if he’s worthy.


Bnei yisroel didn’t want to hear the words of the navi – didn’t want to be proven wrong and have to change themselves


Pasuk: no order in torah

Pasuk: a person can not see Hashem and live



Moshe says shamayim first & yeshaya says aretz first. In order for them to both be witnesses so they were  both called in different ways, they’ll both be saying the same thing.


Al meh tuku – like a person being beaten/punished, friend says why are you doing it again? Learn from what happened!

Radak: they left us as a remainder- left US as a remainder, navi includes himself even though he wasn’t a sinner out of kavod for bnei yisroel


Officers of sdom: their deeds were like officers of sdom, we learn that a person shouldn’t make an opening for the sattan – before they said we would have been like sdom – just mentioning it gives room for satan


Korban is supposed to make a connection between Hashem and bnei yisroel. Hashem says I don’t need your korbanos – right afterwards you go and serve avoda zara.


A kohen who killed someone can’t do birchas kohanim if he killed someone – hands are the channel for the brochos for bnei yisroel


Pasuk: great is tzedaka that brings geula closer – connected – vishaveha bitzdaka


Yitama chataim – not the sinners will die but they’ll change their metzius and not have sins



Odcha Hashem ki anavta bi – when moshiach will praise Hashem because we’ll see all the good that came out of suffering and why we had it


Kah – havaya – divided – when amalek came and attacked  bnei yisroel it caused Hashem’s name to be divided. From the time that amalek attacked bnei yisroel until Moshiach Hashem’s name isn’t complete – when Amalek is wiped out Hashem’s name will be complete


Ushavtem mayim – mashal – just like someone that draws water from a spring – doesn’t stop, steady source – also the brochos that come to bnei yisroel will be constant. Or – like learning torah – the water is like chochma, the spring is like the teacher, and the one who draws the water is the student – and you need all three.


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