Vayikchu elecha…
1. Why does it say YOU should command?
2. Why is Moshe the one commanding not Hashem?
3. Why should they bring the oil to Moshe not Aharon who lights the menorah?
4. Why does it say crushed for the luminary not to illuminate?
5. Why does it say ner tamid here & in another place it says m'erev ad boker?
beis: Moshe is mechaber bnei yisroel with Hashem
gimmel: Inayan of raya mehemna – faithful shephard & shephard of faith – gives us emunah – we are maaminim bnei baaminim – rebbe makes our makkif emunah pnimius so it affects his whole life
daled: makkif is when it comes milmayla, penimi is when we work on ourselves – mattan torah it was on a makkif level because of all the giluyim & nissim, that’s why they do torah & mitzvos, in the times of haman it’s bpnimius because they awakened the koach of mesiras nefesh – coming from them – bkibel hayehudim asher hecheilu laasos – even though there was much greater helem & hester
hey: difference between emunah – roeh elokus and emunah etzem haneshama – roeh elokus is makkif – we see a nes or something so we do mitzvos, etzem haneshama comes from the person himself –pnimius
Why does kosis l’meor come as a hemshech to raya mehemna? Through moshe revealing the etzem haneshama a yid can come to maor
Vov: Different raya mehemnas- moshe gave them torah through daas, mordechai brought out mesiras nefesh and brought the etzem haneshama in a much deeper way, when yidden are brought to a koach of mesiras nefesh, you see the raya mehemna on a much greater level than Moshe rabbeinu
Zayin: The raya mehemna is bgiluy over ALL yidden – Rebbe concludes that the Frierdiker Rebbe is the Raya Mehemna of the generation (and so too the Rebbe).
Ches: 3 stages of raya mehemnas: Moshe, connected bnei yisroel with Hashem, then the roeh yisroel who strengethened the emunah of yidden (like mordechai) and where through golus the rebbe arouses the koach hamesiras nefesh.
Moshe- roeh elokus
Mordechai – mesiras nefesh
Rebbe-etzem haneshama not through mesiras nefesh, but being crushed by golus
What does vayikchu elecha add? Symbolizes our avoda that WE have to work and bring and give to the Rebbe, the Rebbe is giving so much to us
Tes: Vkibel hayehudim – was it before the gezaira or after the gezaira? Before they were crushed because of the gezaira, and after they were crushed because they didn’t have giluy elokus – they were in golus – even thought it was a peaceful time
Every yid has to yearn for Moshiach – even you you reach the highest level – mem tes shaaire kedusha – mem tes is gematria cholah – sick – even so high we can get we’re still ‘sick’ and missing giluy elokus.
Yud: What’s the real maor – etzem haneshama. When it’s one with even our kochos hagiluyim – when someone goes on mesiras nefesh and it doesn’t affect his normal life afterwards, then it hasn’t affected his kochos hagiluyim, bypassed that. The more it comes from you the more it affects you – not coming from above/the outside. The tziyur is one with the etzem. Lower level is the inyan of mesiras nefesh – limited – and higher level is when it’s one with all my kochos.
Yud alef: v’atah tetzaveh – the Rebbe connects all yidden together (as well as with Hashem). The avoda of a yid is to permeate all of him with etzem haneshama – and that adds a hosafa in moshe rabbeinu.
Difference between erev & boker – 2 levels of mesiras nefesh – different time periods in our life – sometimes feel more connected & inspired, and then there are low peaks. The Rebbe wants to bring us to the level of ner tamid – that we are ‘charged’ and lit up at every moment – which will bring to MOSHIACH.
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