נסתיימה עבודת הבירורים
First Source: Yaakov Finishing the Birur
Q: Yaakov ran away from eisav, so why did he think to send him presents to make peace? Didn't he know he's putting himself at risk?
A: Yaakov thought he already finishing elevating the sparks and that the world was ready for Moshaich. He thought even eisav could be elevated not - that's why he sent him non kosher animals too.
But...Yaakov was mistaken
Yaakov had only elevated the place where he lived -- the whole world wasn't ready for Moshiach.
Yaakov already lived with Moshiach. Although the world wasn't ready, he couldn't even tell because he lived Moshiach so much. Just like Menachem Mendel m'vetebsk who had to open his window to smell outside if Moshiach was there - because inside he was already living Moshiach.
In our generation we finished elevating the world world
The Rebbe says that today we already accomplished all the birurim - the world world including the goyim. There's nothing left to do.
How do we know it was purified completely?
1) Teshuva nullifies aveiros and more mitzvos added up than aveiros.
2) There are shuchim going out elevating all over the world - not like yaakov, they don't just do their own daled amos but go out and affect other people.
The Outcome: It's a fact
There were 2 ways the Rebbe talked about Moshiach: Wish & fact. Someone wrote two versions of a sicha about avodas habirurim and showed it to the Rebbe. The rebbe crossed out wish and wrote fact - it's a fact that it's already finished.
So why don't we see what we've accomplished?
Hashem want's to challenge us. We'll get a much greater reward because it's so much harder. We were able to work even when we didn't see any results. This is how we have bechira chofshis!
Mashal: Someone that cuts wheat was offered to get paid the same amount standing in a room inside just doing the motions of cutting wheat. Even though it seems like a good deal (not hot inside, easier, etc.) it was SO much harder because he didn't see himself accomplishing anything.
Q. How come there's evil in the world if we finished our job?
A: Finishing doesn't mean there's no evil. There's a certain percentage necessary to accomplish to bring Moshiach - so we accomplished that percent so Moshiach can come.
In a sicha the Rebbe says we don't even need to do Teshuva, everything's finished, and in another sicha the Rebbe says we have to do Teshuva.
Q: So which one is it- how can the Rebbe say both?
A: Bnei Yisroel did teshuva and mitzvos - enough through all the generations. So Moshiach can come, but individually we each on our own need to do teshuva - but that can't hold back Moshiach from coming.
If there's only a small percentage of bad why is it so strong?
A; It says before Moshiach comes bad and good will separate so they'll each be very strong. (like gray being separated to black & white) Our job today is to take klipas nogah and elevate it to kedusha - physical things for Hashem. Kedusha gives energy to klipas noga who gives it to 3 klipos hatemeios - but when we elevate it to kedusha 3 klipos hatemeios don't get any energy.
*When Moshiach comes there will still be evil (a different type of evil) an evil that won't be mixed with goodness - it won't affect the jews - our yetzer hara until techiyas hameisim. Once there is techiyas hameisim then Hashem will eliminate bad completely.
*The Rebbe says that today we can all become tzaddikim. By elevating ourselves to the time of Moshiach we can totally get rid of evil.
Mashal: Soldier who's paranoid after war.
Nimshal: We don't have to fight bad - we're done avodas habirurim but we are so used to fighting our yetzer hara.
So if we finished avodas habirurim then what's left to do?
Q: The Rebbe says everything is finished and ready and there's nothing left to do, so we demand ad mosai - but in the very same sicha the rebbe says that since Moshiach is not here it's a proof that we still have things left to do. So which one is it?
A: There are 2 parts of our avoda: logic & emunah.
According to logic of torah we finished everything.
We still have to have emunah, which is above logic, and know that Hashem is the ultimate of justice.
Proof: Moshe Rabbeinu
Moshe asked how come Bnei Yisroel are suffering in Mitzrayim (logic)? Hashem answered Moshe 'you have to have emunah. Yes, it doesn't make sense logically, but you have to have emunah'.
The torah always writes in a positive way. If it's written in a negative way it's supposed to teach us something.
The lesson: We have to complain & ask Hashem 'ad mosai?!'
What's our avoda now?
To reveal Moshiach in actuality
Avoda Chadasha: We have to accept the light of Moshiach and realize the truth. In order to accept we have to understand it - so we have to learn. The more we learn the more we can accept! Every mitzvah we do we must have in mind that it's for Moshiach.
Mashal: A man goes to the hospital to get better. Once he's already healed, in order to get out of the hospital it's a whole procedure, paperwork, etc. etc.
Bnei Yisroel went into golus to get purified=cured. Now the world is cured, we are finished and ready to go out. Now we just have to do the procedure of getting cured - we have to prove that we are healthy and ready to go out.
Proof: Kal Vchomer from Yaakov
Yaakov himself was ready for Moshiach but the world wasn't ready, so Moshiach couldn't come. The Rebbe says if yaakov was ready & the world wasn't, how much more so now when the world IS ready.
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