Sunday, June 15, 2008

Seuda L'Asid Lavo

סעודה לעתיד לבא
Midrash: How they'll be killed
The Shor Habor & the Levyoson will kill each other at the same time. Shor Habor will kill with its horns & the levyoson will kill with its fins. It's going to be a show, like a circus. 
Who will get to watch the show> People that didn't participate in goyshe entertainment (movies, music, theaters, etc)
Who will get to eat it? People that kept kosher. 

אז ימלא שחוק פינו
We'll watch it and laugh - just like people watch a bull fight and laugh at how the bull thinks it's in charge but really it's being teased and the guy knows exactly what he's doing. We'll laugh at how we battled the yetzer hara and how our yetzer hara thought it had power. 
Another interpretation: we'll see all the physical wars that bnei yisroel had with the goyim - like a movie throughout history. 

If our yetzer hara really doesn't have any control what's with bechira chofshis? 
Part of controlling the animals - circus people tease animals & it seems like the animal is put down, but really it's to lift him. Same with us and Hashem. Hashem sometimes puts us in the situation - it looks bad at the time we'll see how it was really yerida ltzorech aliya. 

What's the difference between simcha and schok? 
Simcha: Happiness is from something of value that's limited - it's connected to some greater accomplishment. 
Schok: laughter out of fun is unlimited - it's not limited to a reason - you're just laughing. When the Shor Habor & Levyoson are fighting there will be such great joy it will be unlimited - laughter. 

יין המשומר
It's from brias haolam - 4768 years old. Wine, the older the better. 
Q: Why are the Avos not going to say kiddush and Dovid will? Aren't the Avos greater than Dovid? 
A: Regarding this specific topic, Dovid is greater. 
You have to have 4 things to bentch on the kos:
1) bris 2)torah 3) eretz 4) beis hamikdosh



Maharal’s Opinion

Maharsha’s Opinion


Had a son - yishmael

Children caused trouble in golus

Children didn’t have a bris milah


Had a son - eisav

Children caused trouble in golus

Children didn’t have a bris milah


Got married to 2 sisters which was later assur

The children- shvatim split into malchus yisroel & yehuda – children caused machlokes

Torah doesn’t allow marrying 2 sisters (torah)


Didn’t enter eretz yisroel

Fact that Moshe didn’t enter eretz yisroel

Didn’t go to eretz yisroel (eretz yisroel)


Didn't have children to live on

Didn’t have a continuation so he can’t be connected to geula

No children to continue the process of building the bhmk (BHMK)

Dovid Hamelech

No problems – kos yishuos esa uvshem Hashem ekra’

Dovid represents Moshiach coming out of him.

Dovid had shlomo to continue building, and fulfilled all 4!

It will be 221 Lug. 2) We know this because dovid said 'kos rivaya' a cup that satisfied & the gematria of rivaya is 221. 2) The level of the kos is the level of arich - which is the gematria of 221. 

Q: How is Dovid going to make kiddush onto such a big cup? 
A: The shor habor & levyoson will give us strength. We'll never have to eat again & we'll have so much strength that we'll be able to hold it. 

The Mayla of the cup: Gavia is a pitcher it-it fills other cups, 'kos' is small. 

Kos yishuos ESA uvshem Hashem ekra

Baalei Teshuva will merit to drink Yayin Hamishumar
Q. How coma a man who NEVER sinned can't drink wine?
A: Not litarally! Baalei teshuva are people who overcame a challenge, even something little like a tayva. Therefore all of Yidden are baalei teshuva.

Q: But still the PSHAT is that it's baalei teshuva. Why are baalei teshuva greater than tzaddikim?
A: A Baal Teshuva turns of his aveiros to good, because the sparks of elokus that are in 3 klipos hatemeios are much higher than in klipas noga. A baal teshuva naturally does so many more mitzvos than a regular person & with so much more chayus. It's like a stream that's blocked & then let out - there's lots of energy. 
Baal Teshuva has a harder challenge because since he already did aveiros it's much harder for him to overcome the temptation the next time. 

*We are on the level of maharsha & rambash but not of the Alter Rebbe. 
1) In a smaller scale than a REAL baal teshuva
2) if you get someone to do teshuva, it's as if you did it. 

Who will actually drink?
1) Either someone who practically is a baal teshuva 
2) someone with challenges

Why do we say 'lchayim ulvracha"?
Wine has a lot of power. It brings out the inner part of a person. We say lchayim ulvracha because we want to bring out the good part in a person. 
2 times that wine brought out bad:
1) Adam - it was  a grape tree that brought out bad
2) Noach - wine brought upon a curse 

So we say lchayim ulvracha so only good things should come from it. 

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